Mass Mobilization 101
We organize people around issues that concern them. Bread and Butter issues!
The National Democratic Revolution, in the current epoch of struggle
In the strategy and tactics documented adopted by the 52nd National Conference of the ANC held in Polokwane, The challenges for our movement are spelled out. Our movement explains the present epoch of struggle as being characterised by two important developments in world politics.
We quote “(1) the dominance of a capitalist system with minimal regulation presents enormous challenges for social development and for global governance and security.
(2)At the same time, programmes of progressive social change are finding pride of place on the agenda of many developing nations and some global institutions. Most African countries have successfully set out to resolve conflict, entrench democracy and reconstruct economies in a manner that benefits the people.”
Our strategists view these developments as providing a “basis for the advancement of the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) in our country”. Such a basis for advancement cannot be assumed (the document warns) but “depends on the ability of progressive forces to promote the positive elements in both the global and domestic settings and to assert a progressive vision of the world we want to live in. For the ANC, this also means forging a corps of cadres with unwaveringly committed to the cause of change, and the mobilisation of the majority of South Africans to act as one in pursuit of a better life for all.”